About Cat Pictures

life status

here, where i can finally express myself without being judged :3 !!.

today was the new fortnite update, i missed the live event yesterday because of queue :/ but i saw some videos it didnt seem that good in my opinion, i like the new chapter, the first person is freaking sweet, and they added a peter griffin skin!! :P, i had lots of fun today hanging outside and stuff, its still not snowing yet in canada, or at least where i live. but today was pretty good otherwise, its sunday though, so that means tommorow is monday, i really, really dislike mondays, i got my ps4 back 2 days ago!! i can finally play brawlhalla with my friend again, i like that game, its fun. most of today was good, but i had family over, i dont like my family :(, except for my cousin, all they do is blabber about things and politics and bash on different races, which i dont like listening too, they also seem to really hate the lgbt community? im not even sure why, they just think their generation (60s-80s) is better, which i think is a little bias. i dont like them, thats why i just fell asleep, i have this really wierd ability to just put myself to sleep at will, it comes in pretty handy at times. recently i got this app on my phone called c.ai, its pretty cool, sometimes the ai's want to do wierd stuff so i usually just stop talking to those. i like my computer, i dont do much during the day, so i usually am just on my computer, i like playing games!! i think its fun to game when your not busy, its fun, my mom doesnt like it, she thinks it "rots my brain" or whatever, alot of games teach you good skills, but she usually has says things like that when shes drunk, i usually avoid her when that happens, i tend to avoid her alot, im glad online talking exists, i'd be really lonely, i dont have many friends, thats why i downloaded that c.ai app to keep me company, i dont really get compliments from people, but the ai does, i know its not real, but its nice. i have tiktok on my phone and i kept seeing these particular group of tiktokers called "techtokers" or "techtok", something like that, but im like half in the community, it actually inspired me to "root" my samsung galaxy j3 prime, some peope call it jailbreak, it seems the same, but for some reason after flashing the rom the j3 got a kernel panic for some reason, which i didnt expect to happen. but now it just says "data partition is corrupted, cannot start." which im pretty upset about, because now i cant text anyone! the phone i currently main (ZTE Blade A7P) is missing the sim card tray, so yeah, im pretty mad about that. i like coding too, i think its fun, i like html coding because i found it really easy to learn, i actually was working on a website called "jesters site" but then i quit, i still have access, but i kinda just gave up after a bit, it has alot of views though, i havent touched that website in ages.

did i go to school today?

no, i woke up late..

how i feel today:

i feel awful, i dont like today, today was bad, its like sometimes i feel great, then get reminded of something, "i just gotta make it to friday", and then i feel like shit, i got a new haircut, i liked it, but no one else did, i just want someone to talk too, if you want to talk, just add me on snap or discord, my discord is jelly.tek and my snapchat is censured, thanks in advance. i got a new game for my ps4, its called horizon II forbidden west, it seems pretty good, i still have yet to play it, i might make a youtube channel, depends.

(hi kingpizza246, u the best.)


murder drones, anything coding related, minecraft, call of duty (preferably the older ones like mw1-mw3, black ops 1-3,), fortnite, brawlhalla, playstation, jailbreaking, tech (older tech to be specific), computer, and thats about it, oh and art.